Discuss the emerging trends related to medicine’s decline in status.

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Discuss the emerging trends related to medicine’s decline in status.

1.Identify the perspective related to the rise of medicine that you most ascribe to and explain why.2. Discuss the emerging trends related to medicine’s decline in status. actor, what degree is this sociological trend supported in the videos you watched? Briefly discuss whatever you noticed in the videos that was especially impactful for you, and explain why.what lived, experiential evidence supports this view? What did you learn from the interviews during the Observation and Reflection activity that may have relevance to this issue?cliff medicine continues to decline in status, then what? What shifts might we see in social institutionspolitical, economic, educational, etc.?1.Identify the perspective related to the rise of medicine that you most ascribe to and explain why.2.Discuss the emerging trends related to medicine’s decline in status. actor what degree is this sociological trend supported in the videos you watched? Briefly discuss whatever you noticed in the videos that was especially impactful for you, and explain why.what lived, experiential evidence supports this view? What did you learn from the interviews during the Observation and Reflection activity that may have relevance to this issue?cliff medicine continues to decline in status, then what? What shifts might we see in social institutionspolitical, economic, educational, etc.?

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