. Discuss how the Enrolled Nurse would observe and assess Lorna’s pain level and management within the health care team.

.Identify the risks associated the diagnosis of Bony Metastases and discuss the nursing strategies to minimise the potential risks to the client.
June 21, 2022
: Prepare a Power Point that explains your stance on this issue. Be sure to include your answer to each of the questions posed.
June 21, 2022
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. Discuss how the Enrolled Nurse would observe and assess Lorna’s pain level and management within the health care team.

Internal Code : TV693 Nursing Assignment Case Study: Lorna Hetherington is 85yrs old. She is a practicing Roman Catholic and was previously a regular church goer and participated in social activities with a variety of people. She is married and has one daughter. Medical Condition Lorna has breast cancer. She has undergone a total mastectomy and has received chemotherapy. However the disease has recurred and she has not responded to any of the recommended treatments. She recently had a bout of pneumonia which has not resolved itself. She is now in the wing of the hospice of a residential facility where you work. Lorna has recently been diagnosed with Bony Metastases. She also wears a hearing aid, but forgets to switch it on so communicating is very stressful for all. Current condition Lorna has verbalised that her pain is increasing; she is experiencing episodes of shortness of breath and progressive weakness. She has also developed a decline in her cognitive ability. Lorna Hetherington has verbally refused all medical treatment available and does not have an Advance Health Directive or a current Power of Attorney. Questions: Task 1- Answer the following questions in the relation to the above case study. 1.Identify the risks associated the diagnosis of Bony Metastases and discuss the nursing strategies to minimise the potential risks to the client. 2. Discuss how the Enrolled Nurse would observe and assess Lorna’s pain level and management within the health care team. 3. Discuss the legal and ethical implications of Mrs Hetherington refusing her treatment and not having an Advanced Health Directive or Legal Power of Attorney. What are your responsibilities in relation to your ANMC competencies and scope of practice. 4. How do you maintain the client’s dignity after their death? 5. Following the confirmed death the client, the family have requested an autopsy to investigate malpractice. What advice would you give the family with regards to officially requesting an autopsy and seeking relevant information post autopsy. Task 2 – Develop a Plan of Care Compose a plan of care that has the specific needs of Lorna and her family’s needs met appropriately. A detailed plan of care is required including nursing diagnosis, nursing intervention, rationale and evaluation. 55 total views, 3 views today

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