Develop ideas cogently organize them logically and connect them with clear transitions

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Develop ideas cogently organize them logically and connect them with clear transitions

Movie reaction paper
Goals of the Reaction Paper: The reaction paper assignment is to support and enhance the clinical objectives for the student through watching a movie researching the mental illness identified in the movie assessing the psychiatric symptoms displayed by the character(s) in the movie and providing feedback about this clinical assignment. This assignment will broaden the students knowledge and perspective on mental health disorders.
Directions: The student is to watch one of the following movies listed below that involves an actress/actor with a mental illness and write a reaction paper of the movie formulate a care plan recommend psychotherapy (non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic) complete a DSM- IV-TR and submit it via email (icollege) as an attachment to your assigned clinical instructor. The reaction paper should adhere to APA format be at least 1 and 1/2pages in length but no more than 2 pages typed and capture your immediate reaction to a movie involving a patient with a mental illness. The care plan listed in part II psychotherapy listed in part III and the DSM-IV-TR listed in part IV should include ALL information as instructed. The student can also include their interest in the movie any questions he or she may have regarding the mental health disorder after researching and relation to some personal experience. The student will receive a Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U) for the assignment. The grading rubric is listed below. Student must have a grade of 4 or higher in each category (content & clarity and organization & grammar) to receive a satisfactory. Students scoring below 4 in any category on part I (the reaction paper) and/or not providing adequate information in parts II-IV will only be allowed to resubmit ONCE for corrections before receiving a grade of Unsatisfactory (U). For a grade of satisfactory the reaction paper must:
Clearly identify and insightfully analyze the important features of the topic material
Develop ideas cogently organize them logically and connect them with clear transitions
Conclude by effectively illustrating the primary points of the subject material (with personal reaction).
Demonstrate competency with conventions of standard written English. The paper illustrates proficient use of language grammar and writing mechanics
List of Movies: Choose one of the following movies below
Beautiful Mind 2001: John Nash
Perfect Body 1997: Amy Jo Johnson
When a Man Loves a Woman 1994: Megan Ryan and Andy Garcia
PART I. Directions: Write a Movie Reaction Paper based on the movie you watched to be graded on the following grading criteria. Begin typing your paper on the pages following the grading criteria pages.
Content and Clarity
5 Shows a clear understanding of the writing task is carefully developed with thoughtful and well-chosen reasons provide examples and supporting statements Comments
4 Shows an adequate understanding of the writing task is well developed with relevant and useful reasons; cites examples and supporting details. Comments
3 Shows some understanding of the writing task but is not adequately developed present some examples and supporting details and relevant and useful reasons Comments
2 Indicates a limited understanding of the writing task and is seriously under developed. Requires more relevant and useful reasons examples and supporting details. Comments
1 Does not address the assigned writing task. Provides a synopsis of the film but does not include reactions to the film. Does not discuss the relevance of the film to the class. Comments
Organization and Grammar
5 Clear and efficient organization and substantially free from errors of grammar usage and mechanics. Comments
4 Well organized with few errors of grammar usage and mechanics that do not distract the reader to a significant degree. Comments
3 Adequate organization with an accumulation of errors of grammar usage and mechanics that distracts the reader from the points you are trying to make. Comments
2 Inadequate organization and includes many serious errors of grammar usage and mechanics. Comments
1 Lacks organization difficult to understand ideas and includes multiple grammatical errors. Comments
Begin typing your reaction paper here:
Begin typing the second page of your reaction paper here:
PART. II Nursing Care Plan
You are to develop a plan of care that assesses and addresses how you plan to care for the character selected from the movie in a well-thought-out process basing your plan on facts regarding the movie and the patients condition. The basic elements of a nursing care plan include nursing diagnosis rationales and interventions all based on the patients diagnosis. You are to develop 3 priority nursing diagnoses. The care plan developed should include a mental health or substance abuse diagnosis behaviors of character potential complications goal for each nursing diagnosis and 5 nursing interventions and rationales. Type your information below.
Name of Character in Movie:
Mental Health Diagnosis of Character:
Identify 5 Behaviors noted in the Character:
Potential Complications Associated with this Diagnosis:
Nursing Diagnosis #1 for this Character:
Goal for this Nursing Diagnosis:
List 5 Nursing Interventions and Rationales for this Goal
Nursing Diagnosis #2 for this Character:
Goal for this Nursing Diagnosis:
List 5 Nursing Interventions and Rationales for this Goal
Nursing Diagnosis #3 for this Character:
Goal for this Nursing Diagnosis:
List 5 Nursing Interventions and Rationales for this Goal
Part 111: Complete a medication sheet based on the characters Mental Health Diagnosis in the movie you watched and the primary medication of choice for that diagnosis. Type in this chart.
Mental Health Diagnosis
Classification Category
Generic Name Trade Name
General Action & Therapeutic Effects ADVERSE EFFECTS & Most Common Side Effects
Nursing Assessment Implications Patient & Family Education
Medication Dose Range
PART IV. Based on the Mental Health Diagnosis of the character in the movie you watched complete the 5 axes below. If you cannot complete an axis indicate the reason why. Type in this chart.

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