Determine the 3 areas of your wellness you want to focus on they need to be areas you want to seek to improve over the next 3-6 months that will help you realize your vision.

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Determine the 3 areas of your wellness you want to focus on they need to be areas you want to seek to improve over the next 3-6 months that will help you realize your vision.

Determine the 3 areas of your wellness you want to focus on they need to be areas you want to seek to improve over the next 3-6 months that will help you realize your vision. We will call these wellness areas for focus. What are your 3 wellness areas for focus AND WHY? Consider the following. Your Wellness Inventory Assessment results Select areas for focus on that are truly a priority for you Select areas for focus on that you currently feel ready to work on (high motivation) Consider your whole-person well-being, not just one aspect of your wellness. Remember that the dimensions of wellness interact with one another. These still aren’t goals. We will get to those. Some examples: Eating more fiber, strengthening friendships, exploring meaning, managing finances

2. Below set one goal per wellness area for focus that you set above. These should be goals that you will start pursuing soon. Your goals must include the following. Each goal must be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Oriented. Remember your “Why?” when setting your goals. Your goals should move you closer to your Wellness Vision. Your goals should represent the changes you want to realize in those areas for focus you selected. This should be the outcome you want to realize.

3. Next you will create a plan for what you will actually DO to achieve your goals. We call these action steps. You will create at least 1 action step per goal. Below write at least one action step for each of your above goals. They must include/consider the following: These represent things you are making a commitment toDO. It should be clear what you will actually do. If there is no action involved it is not an action step. Action steps are short term. They are what you will do from day-to-day, week-to-week They are behavioral actions that will bring you closer to your goal and ultimately, your vision. Always remember your why? Ideally you will set weekly action steps to accomplish small, manageable steps on a regular, consistent basis. Action steps should be short term time bound. (Ex: X days per week)

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