Describe your family dynamics from the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist perspectives.

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Describe your family dynamics from the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist perspectives.

Describe your family dynamics from the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist perspectives.

Describe your family dynamics from the functionalist, conflict, and
symbolic interactionist perspectives.

Short-Answer Quiz
the quiz in a Word document. This is an
open book quiz. The answer to each
question must be 100-125 words.
Topic 6
1. Compare and contrast the conflict and the functionalist perspective
relative to the political system in the United States. Select one current issue such as healthcare,
immigration, or one of your choosing and discuss the issue from both
2. Describe your family dynamics from the functionalist, conflict, and
symbolic interactionist perspectives.
3. What are the sociological characteristics of religion in the United
States? Build an argument that religion
is likely to remain a strong feature of life in the United States or why
religion may not remain a strong feature in the lives of Americans.
4. Select one of the sociological perspectives, the functionalist,
conflict, or symbolic interactionist, and analyze the problems facing K-12
education in the United States. Describe
three or four solutions that you would like to present to your local school
board to improve the educational syste

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