Describe whether or not the quality implementation/acquisition impacts your chosen topic for your Final Proposal and Final Presentation.Case Analysis: Systems Acquisition.

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Describe whether or not the quality implementation/acquisition impacts your chosen topic for your Final Proposal and Final Presentation.Case Analysis: Systems Acquisition.

Describe whether or not the quality implementation/acquisition impacts your chosen topic for your Final Proposal and Final Presentation.Case Analysis: Systems Acquisition.

Review each of the following video cases:
Health IT Success Story: Portal Enhances Patient-Centered Preventative Care ( )Health IT Success Story: Using IT to Fight Care Fragmentation ( )Health IT Success: Quality Measures for Interoperable Electronic Health Records ( )
Select one of these cases and address the following questions in your paper:
Analyze the part the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (CAHRA) plays in health care information systems acquisition.Address the major concerns, and provide alternatives to alleviate these concerns.Analyze whether or not value was added to health care information systems through acquisition.Analyze how the system might advance or devalue patient care delivery.Explain whether or not the current system can or should be maintained.Explain what the literature states about this type of implementation/acquisition.Explain who the gatekeeper(s) are in this type of acquisition.Describe how cost is impacted with this system.Describe the initial reaction to the system implementation/acquisition.Describe whether or not the quality implementation/acquisition impacts your chosen topic for your Final Proposal and Final Presentation. This response needs to be one paragraph in length.

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