. Describe the health care regulation (federal) or statute (state) law you have selected for this assignment.

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. Describe the health care regulation (federal) or statute (state) law you have selected for this assignment.

earch online for a health care regulation or statue that has been challenged in the courts (in the U.S). Write a 2 page paper (on a separate document).
For this assignment answer the following questions concerning the law you selected:
1. Describe the health care regulation (federal) or statute (state) law you have selected for this assignment.
2. Why was the regulation or statue challenged?
3. Which court heard the case?
4. What was the final judgment of the court and will this judgment impact the provisions of the law?
Points Possible: 30
20 points for accurate and complete description of the regulation or statue
5 points for reference posting the health care law challenged
5 points utilization of writing guidelines

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