Describe the culture of the organization. What strategies will the leader use to promote a positive culture •

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Describe the culture of the organization. What strategies will the leader use to promote a positive culture •

The purpose of this paper is to design your own health care organization. You have been sought out as having current knowledge and expertise in organizational behavior and have been contracted to build and manage a new healthcare organization. The assignment/paper should include: • Description of the type of organization you are designing. Give your organization a name • Written mission statement and noted values and philosophy of your organization • Organizational chart depicting the main positions of leadership and how you will incorporate an interdisciplinary focus • Description of the leader of your organization describing the leadership style and characteristics this leader should possess to be most successful • Describe the culture of the organization. What strategies will the leader use to promote a positive culture • Discuss the flow of communication within the organization. Describe five strategies the leader will use to ensure effective communication • As the organization is new with limited financing and low salaries, what incentives will the leader use to motivate staff • Describe one team that will function in your organization, include a description of your rationale for forming this team and describe how you will ensure the group will function effectively • On the first day your organization opens you come across two employees arguing over responsibilities in the hallway. Describe how the leader should handle this situation and manage conflict • What characteristics and strategies will you bring to the organization to manage change effectively The paper should be 8-10 pages in length to a maximum of 10 pages not including title page, references, or appendices, and should follow APA Manual 6 th Ed. scholarly writing guidelines. Title page, introduction, and conclusion required. Place this order with us and get 18% discount now! to earn your discount enter this code: special18 If you need assistance chat with us now by clicking the live chat button.

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