. Describe howthe disease isn treated and controlled. In particular, describe the efforts of State/Territory and Commonwealth governments and international agencies ofthe United Nations and World Health Organisation in the management ofthe infectious disease outbreaks and prevention strategies

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. Describe howthe disease isn treated and controlled. In particular, describe the efforts of State/Territory and Commonwealth governments and international agencies ofthe United Nations and World Health Organisation in the management ofthe infectious disease outbreaks and prevention strategies

Congenital Rubella. based on the topic ofthe Group’s oral presentation component (Student Mini Conference). Agood resource (in addition to your lecture material, prescribed text and current research journal articles) is the World Health Organisation (WHO) at the following link: http:/A/vww.who.int/topics/emerging_diseases/en/ Report Outline: Part 1: The Enemy- Microbes Indicate infectious disease and correct name and biology ofthe microorganism(s) involved including its global importance and relevance. In particular, identify biological, social, economic and ecological issues underpinning the emergence of new and once controlled infectious diseases. (2 Part 2: The War- Infection and Transmission of Disease Describe the pathogenesis of infection – how the disease is caused. How does the pathogen enterthe body, cause disease and how is ittransmitted? Describe the disease process from routes of entryto pathogenic mechanism. Describe the mechanisms of disease transmission. (3 marks) Part 3: The Defence – Host Disease (Immune defences and responses ofthe host). Outline the type of immune defencesthat might be operating. Innate and/or adaptive immune responses should be accurately and adequately named and described. If little or no immune mechanisms are induced, then talk about why and description of how the organism evadesthe immune system. (3 marks) Part 4: The Casualty – Clinical Manifestations What isthe outcome of the infection? Describe clinical symptoms ofthe disease. (2 marks) Part 5: The Actory- Diagnosis,Treatment and Control How isthe disease diagnosed? What strategies exist (if any) to control the infection? Describe diagnostic tests used. Describe howthe disease isn treated and controlled. In particular, describe the efforts of State/Territory and Commonwealth governments and international agencies ofthe United Nations and World Health Organisation in the management ofthe infectious disease outbreaks and prevention strategies. rharks) Part 6: Exam Question and Answer. potential exam question on the topic of your presentation for class discussion. Also include references and other material you sourced in preparing the presentation. (3 marks) SLE334 – Medical Microbiology and Immunology éssignment Guidelines Part 7: Referencing You must ensure that any references or materials that you have used to write your article are cited appropriately within the text AND in a bibliography at the end ofthe document. (i). You should cite a minimum of3 research journal articles. (ii). You can search for papers using PubMed atthe NCBI (http://wwvv.ncbi.nIm.nih.gov/); iii). The format for the in-text citations and Bibliography section should conform to the style prescribed in the ‘Instructionsto Authors’from a journal appropriate for the discipline area of your chosen topic; The journal’s ‘Instructionsto Authors’ should provide all ofthe necessary detail. If in doubt, consult recently published articles within the journal and Endnote; (iv). Web links are only permitted where the material in question cannot be identified or sourced from conventional published material and should not constitute the sole source of information. (2 marks) Part 8: Professional Skills In your assignment, please put into practice professional written skills such as appropriate formatting, correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, correct English and scientific expression etc. (2 marks) Marking criteria The marks available for each of Parts1 to 8 ofthis written assignment are indicated in the marking guide below. These criteria will be used to mark your assignment using a marking rubric. Please study it carefully. Please consider the ollowing potential mark deductions for your written assignment: -1 mark for ev ery 50 words over 550 words or for ev ery 50 words under 450 words; -1 mark for every day it is late from submission date (unless extension has been granted). CRITERIA MARKS PART 1 (The Enemy – Microbes) Indicate the infectious disease in question. Identifythe pathogen(s) involved. Disease-causing pathogen must be correctly identified and named in ull; Biology ofthe microorganism(s) involved is described including its global importance and relevance; Identify biological, social, economic and ecological issues underpinning emergence of new and once controlled infectious diseases. PART 2 (The War – Infection and Transmission of Disease) How doesthe pathogen enter the body, cause disease and how is it transmitted? Describe the disease process from routes of entry to pathogenic mechanism; Describe mechanisms of disease transmission. PART 3 (The Defence – Host Disease (Immune defences and responses ofthe host)) Outline the type of immune defences that might be operating. Innate and/or adaptive immune responses should be accurately and adequately named and described; If little or no immune mechanisms are induced, then a statement of why and description if howthe organism ev adesthe immune response should be included. PART 4 (The Casualty – Clinical Manifestations) What isthe outcome ofthe infection? Describe clinical symptoms of t2he disease. PART 5 (The fictory – Diagnosis, Treatment and Control) How isthe disease diagnosed? How is it treated? What strategies exist (if any) to control the infection? Describe diagnostic tests used; -Treatments; Describe howthe disease is controlled; Describe efforts of State/Territory/Commonwealth gov ernments and international agencies (e.g. UN and WHO) in management of infectious disease outbreaks and prevention strategies. PART 6 (Potential Exam Question and Answer) Does it cover (test knowledge and understanding of) the content presented? Does it require more than recall of facts? PART 7 (References) Minimum of3 references cited in text and in bibliography as per instructions provided; Includes research articles (websites must not be the only sources referenced). PART 8 (Professional Written Skills) Fluent, succinct writing; No spelling errors, grammatical errors or awkward phrases; -All relevant and necessary detail; Word limits observ ed; Correct use of scientific expression; Use of appropriate formatting (e.g. title, spacing, heading, font and font size, appropriate use of diagrams and tables, neatness) PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT

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