Describe Duldts Theory of Humanistic Nursing Communication (THNC)

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Describe Duldts Theory of Humanistic Nursing Communication (THNC)

Describe Duldts Theory of Humanistic Nursing Communication (THNC)

Describe Duldts Theory of Humanistic Nursing Communication (THNC); Duldts Theory of Humanistic Nursing Communication (THNC) Describe the theory or model.

1. When was it developed?

2. What was the sociocultural context of the theory or model?

3. What are its concepts?

4.What are its strengths and its limitations?

5. Does the theory or model target individual, group, family, community, or population level change?

6. Would the theory or model be a good framework for multilevel and multidisciplinary health promotion interventions?

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