Describe differences in illegal drug use based on race and ethnicity.

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Describe differences in illegal drug use based on race and ethnicity.

To complete this assignment follow the steps below pasting or typing the questions into a Microsoft Word document and responding to each question with thought and detail. Include a title page and a reference page in correct APA format. Incorporate in-text citations when you refer to the course material.
Repeat this procedure for the other illegal drugs on the list including marijuana (illegal in most states) crack and cocaine. You can open each table in a new tab in your browser which makes it easier to compare the data.
Based on your review of the data answer the following questions. Be sure to use specific data from the NSDUH charts and graphs to illustrate your points. Identify the name of the tables or graphs (for example Ever Used Heroin by Race is the title of the table and graph produced when you followed the initial steps above).
Question 1: Describe differences in illegal drug use based on race and ethnicity. Which racial and ethnic groups are most likely to use each illegal drug? Your response should contain at least 150 words.
Based on your review of this data answer the following questions. Be sure to use specific data from the FBI tables to support your points and clearly identify which tables you are referring to by specifying the table number.
Question 2: Describe differences in drug arrests based on race and ethnicity. Which racial and ethnic groups are most likely to be arrested for drug abuse violations? Your response should contain at least 150 words.
Question 3: Compare and contrast the data on drug use with drug arrests. What factors account for the discrepancy between who uses illegal drugs and who is arrested for drug abuse violations? To what extent have public policies or law enforcement strategies contributed to this disparity? Use at least one of this unit’s course readings to support your response. Your response should contain at least 250 words.
Question 4: What impact have the disparities you identified in Question 3 had on minorities and minority communities? What policy changes would you recommend for addressing these disparities? Discuss at least two potential solutions or strategies; these can be community-based legislative (at the state or federal level) or law enforcement strategies. Your response should contain at least 250 words.

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