dentify what kinds of similar and/or associated studies were conducted, and use an appropriate critical appraisal tool to consider effectiveness and rigour to help comparing quality of evidence between studies

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dentify what kinds of similar and/or associated studies were conducted, and use an appropriate critical appraisal tool to consider effectiveness and rigour to help comparing quality of evidence between studies

Internal Code : MAS4700 Nursing Assignment Questions : 1. Select which topic you are interested in, and download the article within that topic. 2. Read the article carefully and make sure you understand the content, argument, vocabulary etc. Use the resources from the unit content and readings to help you explore relevant research principles, terms and issues. Use the resources available through the library website to advance your understanding and to access additional references to support your work. 3. Conduct a small literature review on your topic and locate other articles. In your assessment, you should make note of what databases and search terms you used to find these articles. 4. Identify what kinds of similar and/or associated studies were conducted, and use an appropriate critical appraisal tool to consider effectiveness and rigour to help comparing quality of evidence between studies – part of this process is identifying whether they validate or refute the recommendations of the provided articles. Where possible, for simplicity, use a relevant CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills Program) tool. 5. Based on your critical appraisal of these articles, write a summary recommendation as to whether the intervention should be funded. 13 total views, 2 views today

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