Critically review how the NHS reforms are aiming to improve health care delivered to local communities. Evaluate the usefulness and success of these changes to health and care delivery

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Critically review how the NHS reforms are aiming to improve health care delivered to local communities. Evaluate the usefulness and success of these changes to health and care delivery

Critically review how the NHS reforms are aiming to improve health care delivered to local communities. Evaluate the usefulness and success of these changes to health and care delivery.
Order Description
This assignment is intended to assess the following learning outcomes:
4. Critically evaluate the changes to the NHS at the local level.
5. Work with health policy leaders and innovators
6. Review alternatives to traditional care delivery services.
7. Appreciate the role of health commissioners.
9. Use the web for information gathering and communication
involves the preparation of a the first section of the research proposal. You are to choose one of the scenarios that will be suggested to the class and prepare a situation analysis and complete a literature review suitable for the chosen scenario.
Order Description
Research Proposal PART A
Type: Report
This assignment involves the preparation of a the first section of the research proposal. You are to choose one of the scenarios that will be suggested to the class and prepare a situation analysis and complete a literature review suitable for the chosen scenario. This assignment provides an opportunity to receive feedback regarding the direction of the research proposal proir to completing the research design component. Further details will be announced in class.
Criteria & Marking: 1.Situation Analysis (3%)
2.Literature Review (5%)
3.Presentation Structure & Referencing (2%)
Although the scenario topics are fixed their content can be slightly modified to suit your own purposes.
You are not allowed to make any major changes drastically change or invent a new scenario) to the scenario.
You can not duplicate an existing research study: that would constitute plagiarism.
The decision maker described in the scenario is facing a management problem. Your task is to identify the management problem from the scenario and state this in a question form.
The chosen scenario will be SME Failure
(SME (Small- & Medium-size Enterprise) Failure
Ngo L. V. & OCass A. (2013). Innovation and business success: The mediating role of customer participation. Journal of Business Research 66(8) 1134-1142.)
Note: The proposal is a marketing document!
The rest of steps will be provide in attachment.
Also there will be sample in attachment. There are three (3) sample literature reviews covering the website attitude formation topic. The literature reviews are provided as examples only. The samples may not have received the highest mark and can contain formatting grammatical and course errors. Please use these examples to enhance your understanding of the task but rely on the criteria sheet provided for the assignment.

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