Critically evaluate my teaching session what is the strength and weakness points by doing this session( please give examples with literature review).focus on weakness points more than the strong points.

d describe a minimum of five (5) organizational policies linked to federal or state legislative mandates
March 1, 2022
. Draw on what you have learned throughout the class including: a summary of each organizational policy and the federal/state legislative roots for each policy (by name and statute), any pending changes to the legislation, and your metrics for the organization in terms of performance.
March 1, 2022
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Critically evaluate my teaching session what is the strength and weakness points by doing this session( please give examples with literature review).focus on weakness points more than the strong points.

mplementation and Evaluation of Teaching
Activity 1: Implementation and evaluation of Teaching Session
• Produce evidence of your teaching session in action in a video clip. Clip should not exceed 30 minutes, so choose the best section of your teaching session that demonstrates the following:
In the video transcripts
talking about:
introduction to wound care after operation *
*the equipment that they need to clean with.
*how to clean the wound and the right steps to clean the wound with antiseptic solutions
the risk factor of infected wound *
signs and symptoms of inflammation wound.*

That is what i want from you to write
Activity 2: Reflection on Teaching (2,500 words)

Reflect on your learning. Your written reflection should demonstrate the following:
• Examination of own values and ideas about teaching and learning in the light of recent learning and literature provide rationale and support with literature).
• Critical reflection ( using the 5Rs framework )on the how the insights you have gained from this activity have impacted on your capacity to develop teaching plans that will promote positive learning environments and learning experiences for future teaching sessions (provide rationale and support with literature)
• Appropriate reference to your piece of evidence to illustrate points made in your critique
1- What I done( experiences of this unit which is (( clinical education in health and the module is learning and assessment )), what I learned by doing it) and give examples.
2- Critically evaluate my teaching session what is the strength and weakness points by doing this session( please give examples with literature review).focus on weakness points more than the strong points.
3- In the future what should avoid while I am doing teaching session next time. Also what I should develop or improve in the future.
please fill the evaluation sheet which is on the file “source of evaluation ” with negative and positive points.

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