Create a pamphlet to be used as patient education material about a topic of your choice( diabetes) that can be used in your nursing practice.

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Create a pamphlet to be used as patient education material about a topic of your choice( diabetes) that can be used in your nursing practice.

Create a pamphlet to be used as patient education material about a topic of your choice( diabetes) that can be used in your nursing practice. Evaluate the readability by comparing two different readability tests: the Fog index and the SMOG formula. Describe your results.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points

Listed two broad instructional goals for the educational experience for each of the three groups of learners.

Listed one learning objective for each of the three groups of learners that addressed the cognitive capabilities of the learner.

Listed one learning objective for each of the three groups of learners that addressed the affective capabilities of the learner.

Listed one learning objective for each of the three groups of learners that addressed the psychomotor capabilities of the learner.

Provided an appropriate description of the lesson content.

Provided a sequence for teaching activities and time allotted for each activity.

Described the instructional methods planned.

Identified and described the instructional resources and technology.

Provided an evaluation methodology.

Written components.


The post Create a pamphlet to be used as patient education material about a topic of your choice( diabetes) that can be used in your nursing practice. Evaluate the readability by comparing two different readability tests: the Fog index and the SMOG formula. Describe your results. appeared first on essay-paper.

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