Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Readers Response to Vacuum-assisted Vaginal Delivery

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Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Readers Response to Vacuum-assisted Vaginal Delivery

Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Readers Response to Vacuum-assisted Vaginal Delivery.Reader’s Response to Vacuum-assisted Vaginal Delivery The essay tells about the woman who is two weeks past her due date, and after receiving an epidural to make her more comfortable, she is instructed by a nurse to begin pushing.. By the time the doctor arrives, and pushing attempts still aren’t working, he delivers the baby with the assistance of a vacuum. Although the vacuum’s suction popped off the baby’s head four or five times, a 9 pounds and 8 ounces girl was delivered alive. Shortly after her birth, however, she took a turn for the worse and it was soon discovered that the baby would live, but with severe neurological deficiencies. The family initiated and won a large lawsuit because it was determined that the nurse who originally instructed her to push did so too soon, the delivering doctor should have desisted in vacuum use after fewer pop-offs, the neonatal nurse originally taking care of the baby should have reported the delivery complications to the oncoming nurse who would be taking care of the baby for the night, and both nurses should have reported the baby’s low body temperature and low activity sooner to a pediatrician so the baby could be evaluated. Basically, the child’s handicaps could have been prevented with proper care for the mom and newborn.It is my personal opinion that all the nursing staff tried to do the right thing. Recovery from a C-Section is difficult for a woman, so the staff was probably making attempts to keep that from happening.

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