Briefly summarizes the specific controversy/issue and opposing view points

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Briefly summarizes the specific controversy/issue and opposing view points

Causes of mental health issues in college students
Order Description
Sources: You should have a minimum of five (5) and no more than eight (8) reliable/reputable sources including a combination of at least one book journal articles newspaper/magazine articles Internet sources and other primary sources (observations questionnaires interviews etc.) as appropriate. Your sources should not be older than five years.
Format: Follow the argument writing conventions discussed in class. Be sure to include an appropriate introduction a well-developed argument with a counterargument and refutation and an effective conclusion.
Be sure to follow MLA style formatting guidelines (see the handout from the library).
Include a good ratio of your own original work and citations including a balance of quotations paraphrases and summaries. You may only have one (1) quotation in your paper.
Proofread your essay to make sure it contains minimal language and structure errors (spelling grammar vocabulary sentence structure etc.). Do not use contractions (e.g. dont cant) and avoid starting sentences with coordinating conjunctions (e.g. for and but or yet so) and follow all other aspects of academic writing style.
ENG 114: Argumentative Paper Structure
An effective ENG 114 argumentative research paper must contain all the following parts:
Starts with a hook
Establishes the topic
Briefly summarizes the specific controversy/issue and opposing view points
States the specific argumentative claim
Context/Background information:
Supplies essential background of the issue (e.g. history facts dates statistics etc.)
Defines unfamiliar terms
Establishes the importance of the issue
Builds credibility by demonstrating knowledge
Supporting Paragraphs:
Each paragraph/section develops a specific point that supports the claim
Start with a clear focused topic sentence (NOT borrowed information)
Contain specific documented evidence (MLA style)
Explain the significance of evidence
Develops and objectively presents the strongest opposition(s) to your claim
Start with a clear focused topic sentence
Contains specific documented evidence (MLA style)
Explains the significance of evidence
Addresses and refutes the counter-argument
Start with a clear focused topic sentence
Contains specific documented evidence (MLA style)
Explain the significance of evidence
Restates the claim
Summarizes the main points/supporting evidence
Ends with strong final comments
Works Cited:
Follow MLA guidelines
Begins on a separate page
Matches in-text citations

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