Barriers that prevent Nurse Practitioners from practicing in Long Term Care Facilities Nancy Marshall

Community and Public Health Nursing Reflection
December 2, 2021
Nursing Retention
December 2, 2021
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Barriers that prevent Nurse Practitioners from practicing in Long Term Care Facilities Nancy Marshall

Barriers that prevent Nurse Practitioners from practicing in Long Term Care Facilities Nancy Marshall

Nurse Practitioners (NPs) play a key role in long term health care by ensuring provision of holistic healthcare services particularly in remote areas and in those areas that have few physicians. Currently, there is a concern where there is a shortage of physicians in nursing homes and in other critical health care services questioning the care being provided (Colwill, Cultice, & Kruse, 2008). Due to population growth, aging, and other factors, demand will outpace supply (Colwill, Cultice, & Kruse, 2008). Simply educating and training more physicians will not be enough to address these shortages (Colwill, Cultice, & Kruse, 2008). According to Colwill, Cultice, and Kruse (2008), population growth and aging will increase family physicians’ and general internists’ workloads by 29% between 2005 and 2025.

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