Analyze the impact of prenatal care, postnatal care, or both, on family, community, or society.

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Analyze the impact of prenatal care, postnatal care, or both, on family, community, or society.

(this project has 3 parts, each due individually, Unit3, unit7 and unit10)
For your course project, you will write a research paper with a literature review about a topic or issue of your choice related to infant prenatal development, postnatal development, or both. You will analyze research that applies to your topic. In the last assignment of the course, you will synthesize the knowledge you have gained from your research and relate it to prenatal care, postnatal care, or both. You will compare research with real-world practice, and suggest best practices for promoting infant health. Finally, you will analyze the impact of care on family, community, and society.
You will be expected to conduct research for your course project throughout the course. Your course project will consist of three project component assignments that will be due in specific units throughout the course. The project components outline the grading weights and lists the specific units in which each assignment is due.
Project Objectives
To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:

Evaluate research related to prenatal and postnatal development.
Synthesize knowledge related to prenatal and postnatal care.
Evaluate the relationship between the literature and real-world practice, including care, in relation to your chosen topic in prenatal development, postnatal development, or both.
Recommend best practices for the health of newborns or infants.
Analyze the impact of prenatal care, postnatal care, or both, on family, community, or society.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the psychological professions.

Project Requirements:
To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.

Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations should be formatted according to APA style and formatting. You are encouraged to refer to the APA Guide interactive piece for a refresher on following APA guidelines.
Length of paper: 15–20 double-spaced pages, not including title page, table of contents, abstract, or references list.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
References: A minimum of 12 peer-reviewed resources are required.

Unit3Assign1(due no later than July 27)
Topic Selection
This assignment is the first of three components in your course project. For more information about the course project, review the course project information and refer to the Unit 10 assignment.
For this assignment, select the topic or issue in prenatal development, postnatal development, or both, that you will research for your course project. If you choose to focus on a postnatal topic, limit your focus to the first three months after birth only.
Some examples of appropriate topics include:

Postpartum maternal depression: the impact on early postnatal attachment.
Alcohol-related neurodeveopmental disorders: the impact on prenatal and postnatal brain development.
Hospital births versus home births: the impact on birth outcomes.
The impact of multiple births as a result of in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Write a 1–2 page paper describing the development topic or issue you have selected. Address the following in your paper:

Justify the chosen topic in the area of prenatal development, postnatal development, or both.
Describe aspects of prenatal care, postnatal care, or both, in relation to your topic.
Explain what you hope to learn from your research and writing of the final paper.

Assignment Requirements

Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.
Length of paper: 1–2 typed, double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.


Topic Selection Scoring Guide.

Unit7Assign1 (Due no later than August 24)
Research and References
For this assignment, complete the following:

Create a one-page outline of your entire final paper, which is due in Unit 10.
Provide research related to your chosen topic in prenatal development, postnatal development, or both, consisting of 1–2 pages.
Provide a reference list that includes at least five relevant peer-reviewed academic resources, properly formatted in APA style.

Assignment Requirements

Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA style and formatting: Resources and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards. Use APA subheadings.
Length of paper: A minimum of two double-spaced pages, not including the reference list.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
References: A minimum of five peer-reviewed resources are required.

Review your course project information to ensure you understand the requirements for the course project. Examine the assignment scoring guide to familiarize yourself with the grading criteria for this assignment.
Unit10Assign1 (due no later than September 14)
Final Paper
For the third component of your course project, write a paper with a literature review on the topic you have researched throughout the course. In your assignment, address the following:

Write an introduction to your topic and describe its importance.
Write a literature review related to the topic or issue you selected.

Review what is currently known about the topic from peer-reviewed academic journals.
For more information about literature reviews, consult the Principles and Procedures for Writing a Literature Review iGuide page, linked in the Resources.

Evaluate research related to prenatal or postnatal development in relation to the topic you selected. As a reminder, the postnatal period should include only the first three months after birth.
Evaluate the relationship between the literature and real-world practice in prenatal care, postnatal care, or both, as they relate to your chosen topic.
Recommend best practices for promoting the health of newborns or infants, in relation to your chosen topic.
Analyze the impact of prenatal care, postnatal care, or both, on family, community, or society.
Write a conclusion to summarize what you learned and the implications for the topic you selected.

Assignment Requirements
To achieve a successful experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.

Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA style and formatting: Resources and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.

Use APA subheadings.
Include a title page, abstract, table of contents, and reference list, per APA guidelines.

Length of paper: 15–20 double-spaced pages, not including title page, table of contents, abstract, or references list.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
References: A minimum of 12 peer-reviewed resources are required.


Final Paper Scoring Guide.

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