Address the following points regarding social media in nursing practice

In your own words, discuss and critically analyze the major points in each of the audio and video.
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Address the following points regarding social media in nursing practice

Address the following points regarding social media in nursing practice: o Provide evidence from contemporary, scholarly literature that supports does support, the use of social networking in professional nursing practice. ? Do you agree or disagree with the evidence? Why? ? In what areas do you think more research is needed? ? Are there multiple perspectives on this issue? ? Has anything you have read altered your position on the issue? o Include the potential advantages and disadvantages of using social media in professional practice. ? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the technology? ? How important is this question for today’s health care organizations? ? How might social networking support patient care? ? What evidence supports your assertions? o Include your experience using social media as an aspect of professional practice. ? How do your experiences compare with what you have read in the literature?

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