A clear discussion of the strengths of the top-down approach is not evident.

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A clear discussion of the strengths of the top-down approach is not evident.

A clear discussion of the strengths of the top-down approach is not evident.

The strength of the bottom-up approach is soundly discussed. Regarding the top-down approach, the paper states, “the top-down approach will ensure that AANP identifies a concrete use of resources. It also gives the members more freedom to, thereby facilitating collaboration where team members can become more productive.” However, the AANP was discussed as the organization to pursue the bottom-up approach. A clear discussion of the strengths of the top-down approach is not evident. Please provide a clear discussion of the strengths of the top-down approach.

D.3- The paper states, “…the two approaches can be implemented, decisively in different phases to make the best out of them.” However, a sufficiently detailed justification for using both approaches is not evident. Please provide sufficient rationale for using both approaches.

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