.Discuss (check midcourse.net for the help you need) how the real-time data encourages outcome-focused planning.

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.Discuss (check midcourse.net for the help you need) how the real-time data encourages outcome-focused planning.

Explore the technology systems offered by NantCare, a leading provider of “telehealth” and health management services via the following link: https://www.nantcare.com/

Prepare a brief PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following:
1.Identify at least two technology innovations to connect patients, providers, and insurers across the care continuum.
2.Describe how the technologies work to provide patients and providers with data necessary for health care decision making.
3.Discuss (check midcourse.net for the help you need) how the real-time data encourages outcome-focused planning.
4.Predict what impact the technology will have on future health care delivery. Provide rationale and examples.

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