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Describe how you would obtain an allergic history (or other type of history). Include obstacles you may encounter if the patient was of the opposite sex as you

American Eskimo Culture & Language barriers in a health care environment
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Using the Internet research a culture that might interest you and how you would adapt to that culture in your workplace. If you are unsure what a culture is please
look up the definition. African-American is not a culture it is a term to identify a race. The same is for Caucasian.
Although the Hispanic culture is an interesting culture to research this culture constitutes the majority minority of this area and region of Texas and perhaps other
areas of the country. To avoid replication of this assignment I am limiting research of the Hispanic culture to five (5) reports. Please pick cultures that you are
not a member ie if you are from the Hispanic culture please pick a culture besides Hispanic.
Students must get the topic of their cultural report approved by the instructor prior to beginning this assignment. Post topic on Discussion Board under correct
category. Place the culture you have chosen in the subject area. Instructor will respond with approval or disapproval. Please check the calendar and the course
schedule for the due dates for posting of the culture and assignment.
With the information you find and information from your textbook and internet websites (not Wikipedia) address the following: All Bullet Points Must Be Addressed.
American Eskimo
? Give a brief introduction of your culture and demonstrate awareness of cultural taboos norms and culturally competent communication skills regarding the culture
you choose.
? Describe verbal and non-verbal communication that will aid you in developing trust between you and your patient.
? Describe how you would obtain an allergic history (or other type of history). Include obstacles you may encounter if the patient was of the opposite sex as you. With
the information you researched especially the cultural taboos what methods would you use if you did not have the luxury of using any form of translator?
? Explain a diagnostic procedure of your choosing to a patient of this culture using the information you have just researched. With the information you researched
especially the cultural taboos what methods would you use if you did not have the luxury of using any form of a translator? ( body language)(physically demonstrate)
Approach this assignment as if you were a patient in a foreign country or area in which the radiologic technologist is from a different culture. What would that
technologist need to know about Americans to provide you with culturally competent care?
For example: Americans are used to casual greetings with eye to eye contact and a smile. First names are commonly used to introduce each other but as a sign of respect
the technologist usually uses Mr. Mrs Miss or Ms. before the patients last name. Americans are usually very direct straightforward and linear in their thinking.
Time is a very important commodity to Americans and to waste time is considered rude. Americans respect personal space and a violation of personal space can be viewed
as disrespectful or uncomfortable. Although the American cultural is very informal unannounced and unwarranted touching of the breasts in women or genitals and
buttocks in either gender is considered a violation. Males and females are valued equally in the American culture. Each gender should be notified of what happening
and wants to be an active member in any decision process.
Americans have no official national language but English is its unofficial first language followed by Spanish as its unofficial second language. Americans are very
animated and use their hands often when speaking. A technologist can obtain an allergic or a medical history from English speaking American by using a family member or
a translator. If a translator was not available then the technologist should stop the procedure and consult the radiologist or supervisor for the best course of action
in obtaining a history. This might involve looking up words for translation or the use of applications on electronic devices to translate. The technologist should also
use a family member or translator to explain the procedure to the patient. If a translator is not available then the technologist can demonstrate the position that the
patient must be in to obtain a quality radiograph.
Some American cultural taboos would include polygamy pedofilia child pornography incest and negative remarks about race or religion. The topics of abortion abuse
and drug use can be very emotional for people and must be approached carefully.
And so on
I hope this gives you some idea of what a technologist from another culture must learn about Americans in order to provide culturally competent care. Now what would
we need to know about anothers culture to provide safe and culturally competent care to them?
The paper should follow guidelines of the American Psychological Association. It is recommended that you obtain a copy of the APA publication manual. You can also find
helpful tips in the APA Help folder on the course homepage.
The paper:
? must have a MSU cover page
? is to be a single Word document only
? 1-2 pages
? double spaced
? 1 margins
? Times New Roman 12 point font
? References appropriately cited in the text of the paper according to APA guidelines see APA 6th ed chapter 6.
? A minimum of two references submitted on a separate references page in correct APA format
The paper will be graded on correct APA usage in text and in references content (make sure to complete the four instructions above) grammar and tone (informal or
formal) and format (including cover page).
Grading Criteria:
Citation ? the citation for each article in the reference list will be written correctly according to APA guidelines
Mechanics / Format ? the paper will follow guidelines such as double-spaced margins correct length etc.
Tone ? the student?s report is written using accurate and correctly spelled terminology and with the appropriate tone for a baccalaurate level course
Decribed how to obtain a allergic or medical history from the selected culture
Described how the student would explain a diagnostic procedure to a patient from the selected culture
Described appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication with a patient from the selected culture
Discussed cultural taboos norms and culturally competed communication skills of a patient from the selected culture.

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