Identify and discuss one short term and one long term goal for each problem that you identified for the client

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Identify and discuss one short term and one long term goal for each problem that you identified for the client

he paper should be a minimum of 4 pages long typed double spaced and written in the APA format. All submissions must be the students original work and a new patient must be submitted if the student is repeating the course. Additionally the patient being assessed cannot be a family member or friend. Include the following information on your cover sheet:
Students Name
Clinical instructors name
Patients Initials
Date of Assessment
Date submitted
1. Interview and perform a thorough physical assessment on an elderly person 65 year old or over including all body systems.
2. Perform the following five assessments thoroughly and attach them to your paper. for the assessment sheets:
a. Braden scale.
b. Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE).
c. KATZ Index of Independence in ADL.
d. Fall risk assessment.
e. Elder Mistreatment Assessment.
**Please submit the five assessment sheets directly to your lecture faculty.
3. Discuss a minimum of three normal and any abnormal aging changes that were identified during the assessment of the client.
4. Discuss a minimum of four or more problem areas that you identified during the assessment.
5. Identify and discuss one short term and one long term goal for each problem that you identified for the client.
6. Identify four implementations for each problem with the rationale for the nursing actions. Include health teaching to address all of the clients problems.
7. The paper is to be a minimum of 4 pages in length double spaced using 12 Times New Roman font and documented according to the American Psychological (APA format 6th Edition). This does not include the cover page and reference page. There should be a minimum of six (6) references with no more than two (2) internet resources (from reputable sources). Utilize Standard English: spelling grammar sentence structure and organization.
8. Submit final paper through safe assign on Blackboard.
9. Your grade will be reflected on SONIS web.
10. See grading rubric below:
NUR 221 Geriatric Project Rubric
Proficient Satisfactory Needs Improvement Not Met
1. Interview and physical assessment
Weight 10.00% 100 %
A thorough interview and full physical assessment completed including an assessment of all body systems. 80 %
An interview and most of the physical assessment completed. One of the body system was not thoroughly assessed. 60 %
An interview and some of the physical assessment completed. Two or more of the body systems were not thoroughly assessed. 0 %
An interview and/or a physical assessment were not completed. Four or more body systems were not addressed.
2. Five assessment tools completed
Weight 10.00% 100 %
All five assessments were completed thoroughly. 80 %
Five assessments were completed but lacked details in one component. 60 %
Five assessments were completed but lacked details in two or more components. 0 %
Less than five assessments were completed.
3. Discuss a minimum of three normal and any abnormal aging changes identified
Weight 10.00% 100 %
Three normal and any abnormal aging changes in all of the clients body systems addressed thoroughly. 80 %
Three normal and any abnormal aging changes in all of the clients body systems addressed but lacked details in one component. 60 %
Three normal and any abnormal aging changes in some of the clients body systems addressed but lacked details in two or more components. 0 %
Normal and abnormal aging changes in the clients body system were not addressed
4. Discuss four or more problem areas identified
Weight 20.00% 100 %
Four or more problem areas identified and discussed thoroughly. 80 %
Four problem areas identified but lacked details in one component. 60 %
Four problem areas identified but lacked details in two or more components. 0 %
Less than four problem areas identified.
5. Identify and discuss one short term and one long term goal for each problem
Weight 20.00% 100 %
One short term and one long term goal identified and discussed thoroughly. 80 %
One short term and one long term goal identified but lacked details in one component. 60 %
One short term and one long term goal identified but lacked details in two or more components. 0 %
One short term or one long goal was not identified and discussed for each problem.
6. Four implementations for each problem
Weight 10.00% 100 %
Four nursing interventions to improve the clients quality of life discussed. Health teaching included to address all of the clients problems. 80 %
Four nursing interventions to improve the clients quality of life discussed. Health teaching included to address clients problems. Lacks details in one component. 60 %
Four nursing interventions to improve the clients quality of life discussed. Health teaching included to address clients problems. Lacks details in two or more components. 0 %
Less than four nursing interventions discussed or health teaching not discussed.
7. APA format
Weight 5.00% 100 %
Three or more references within the last five years utilized with fewer than three APA format error types. 80 %
Three references utilized with four APA format error types. 60 %
Three references utilized with greater that five APA format error types. 0 %
APA format was not utilized.
8. Standard English: spelling grammar sentence structure and organization
Weight 5.00% 100 %
All paragraphs are unified and coherent with less than three errors per paragraph. 80 %
Most paragraphs are unified and coherent with four errors per paragraph. 60 %
Some paragraphs are unified and coherent with greater than five errors per paragraph. 0 %
Paragraphs are not unified and coherent.
9. Safe Assign Results
Weight: 10% 100% Scores below 15 percent: Include some quotes and few common phrases or blocks of text that match other documents. Does not require further analysis and there is no evidence of the possibility of plagiarism. 80% Score between 15 and 40: Include some quotes and few common phrases or blocks of text that match other documents. Requires further analysis but properly quoted. There is no evidence of plagiarism. 60% Score over 40 percent: Include extensive quoted or paraphrased material and may include plagiarism. 0%
There is a very high probability that text in this paper was copied from other sources. Paper include quoted or paraphrased text in excess and should be reviewed for plagiarism.
For the book source used Brunner & 1.Suddarths Text book of Medical
Surgical Nursing. 13th Edition
2. Lynn Pamela Taylors Clinical Skills: A Nursing Process Approach 3rd Ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2010.
Only use 2 internet resources from reputable source.

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