Identify the top 3 sources of sugar in your diet and classify the type of sugar (added vs natural)

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Identify the top 3 sources of sugar in your diet and classify the type of sugar (added vs natural)

Part II Macronutrient Intake Discussion this is a very important part of the paper please be careful with calculations and follow all steps carefully when writing your paper: 40 points
38 points: You will now discuss the macronutrients and the composition of energy nutrients your diet contained during this 3 day record. You will use the information from your 3 day average report (Please see the Bar Graph and Spreadsheet reports) to determine whether or not you met the goal for each energy nutrient.
Important: Do not use the percent of the goal that is provided on the Bar Graph. Rather look at your diet (your total kcal consumed) – what percent of what YOU ATE comes from fat? What percent of YOUR intake came from protein? carbohydrate? alcohol? This will require you to do come calculations which you should be familiar with if you are stumped review the class activities the tutorial on calculations and the worksheets you have already completed in class.
When discussing these energy nutrients please include calculations on a calculation page which can be included as an appendix to your report.
Also important when making comparisons remember to name the goal (where does the goal come from) dont just say I meet the recommendationinstead you can write the subject consumed 43% of her kcals from carbohydrate this is below the AMDR goals of 45-65% kcal Do you see the difference? Again imagine the reader has no knowledge of nutrition and dietary recommendations when you are discussing your intake.
1. CHO – What percent of your calories come from CHO? How does your diet compare with the recommendations (AMDR)?
i. Calculate the percent of sugar calories in your diet (what % of your calories are coming from sugar). Unfortunately the program will not classify added sugar vs natural sugar however you can easily take a look at this yourself. Look at your spreadsheets does your intake of sugar come from natural or added sources primarily?
1. Identify the top 3 sources of sugar in your diet and classify the type of sugar (added vs natural). Although there will not be a recommendation on the print out the chapter the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2015) and the module on CHO provides recommendations for added sugar once you have identified these recommendations discuss your intake vs the goal(s) provided.
ii. What is your fiber intake and how does this compare with recommendations? Using your spreadsheet report determine if any foods were high in fiber (provided >5g fiber per serving).
iii. Discuss the health benefits of fiber. Do you consume foods with insoluble or soluble fiber? Or both? Which foods provide each?
iv. Do you think your diet would need improvements to reflect a typical diabetic meal plan? What changes would be needed to reflect a meal plan appropriate for a person with diabetes?
2. FAT – What percent of your calories come from fat? How does your fat intake compare with recommendations (AMDR)?
v. Discuss saturated (what % of your calories are saturated fat compare to goals discussed throughout the course). Using your spreadsheet report identify the top 3 sources of saturated fat in your diet.
vi. How much of your fat was monounsaturated polyunsaturated fats (% kcals from both types of unsaturated fats)? Using the spreadsheet report what foods contributed to these fats?
vii. Discuss trans fat (% kcals what is the goal)? Using the spreadsheet report what foods contributed to trans fat in your diet?
viii. Compare your cholesterol intake with recommendations discussed in the course.
ix. Look at your intake vs goals sheet how did you do with essential fatty acids? What foods in your diet contributed to linoleic and linolenic fatty acid intake? Consider the ratio of omega 6: omega 3 in your diet this can be easily determined using the intake vs goals report. How does this compare to recommendations?
x. How can you improve your diet to reflect recommendations from the Mediterranean Diet? Be specific and discuss what foods can be reduced or added to improve your dietary intake.
3. PROTEIN – What percent of your calories come from protein? How does your protein intake compare with recommendations (AMDR)?
xi. Calculate the RDA for yourself (remember this recommendation is based on ___g per kg of body weight).
1. What value did you use and why? – if you are very active use the recommendations for athletes).
xii. Next calculate your actual protein intake compared to your own body weight

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