Describe the nursing strategies a nurse may implement to prevent/manage the risks you have identified

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Describe the nursing strategies a nurse may implement to prevent/manage the risks you have identified

Purpose of assessment task:
Nurses have an active role in medication management, including safe administration
practices, knowledge of risks such as medication errors, adverse effects and drug
interactions. This assessment tasks provides you with the opportunity to apply your
knowledge of common medications to a typical
patient case study.
Assignment task:
Case study
It is 0730hrs on the 2nd of September, 2018. Mr Laurent, aged 68 years, has just
been transferred to the medical unit from the Emergency Department where he was
admitted overnight with breathlessness, fatigue and an expiratory wheeze. Two
weeks ago, Mr Laurent was prescribed a seven day course of oral antibiotics for a
chest infection. Mr Laurent has a past medical history of hypertension, type 2
diabetes and dyslipidaemia. He states that he occasionally takes Ventolin for asthma.
Mr Laurent is 182cm tall and weighs 92kg.
Mr Laurent has been admitted to hospital for intravenous (IV) hydration, antibiotics,
hydrocortisone and assistance with his activities of daily living.
Mr Laurent’s vital signs on admission to the ward:
Temperature: 39.10C
Heart rate: 112bpm regular
Respiratory rate: 29 breaths/min
Blood pressure: 105/70 mmHg
Oxygen saturation: 91% on RA
Urea and creatinine blood test results:
Urea: 9.2mmol/L (Normal range: 2.5 – 8.5 mmol/L)
Creatinine: 150umol/L (Normal range male: 60 – 110 umol/L)
Q1a. Assess Mr Laurent’s medication chart and identify and explain two (2)
significant risks that may be associated with the use of these medicines.
(Approximately 400 words)
Q1b. Describe the nursing strategies a nurse may implement to prevent/manage the
risks you have identified in Question 1a. (Approximately 400 words)
Q2. The medical unit is extremely busy today with many of your patients requiring
numerous medications. Apart from the “rights of medication administration” (right
patient, medication, dose, route, time, reason for administration and
documentation), explain the safety measures that you will
implement, to reduce the risk of medication errors while administering Mr Laurent’s
medications at 0800hrs this morning. You are not required to comment on his
medications specifically in this question. (Approximately 400 words).
Q3. Mr Laurent is prescribed intravenous (IV) erythromycin and ceftriaxone. Explain
the benefits of regular IV antibiotic administration using relevant pharmacokinetic
concepts. (Approximately 300 words).
Student instructions for the assessment task:
Read the patient information and questions carefully
Draw on theoretical concepts of principles of quality use of medicines, legal/ethical
requirements and the nurse’s role in patient education
Access relevant contemporary literature to support your discussion. References
should mainly include refereed journal articles
References to websites and/or Wikipedia are not appropriate for this assessment
Make sure you self-assess your assignment against the marking rubric available
before submission. This enables you to make sure all the required areas have been
Presentation requirements:
Front page: to include student name and number, Assignment title and word count.
Adhere to word limit requirements (within 10%). The word count does not include
references page, reference citations and direct quotes.
A reference list should be provided on a separate page headed ‘References’ at the
end of the assignment.
Do not include a table of contents
Headings may be used to identify the question being answered
Specific presentation requirements as per APA style guide 6:
12-point type size.
Times or Times New Roman.
Double-line spacing (Do not insert extra lines between paragraphs or the references
list entries.)
Page numbers
Page numbers to be provided on all pages except front page. Place page number in
the top right hand corner
2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left-hand, and right-hand sides of the page.
Paragraph indents
Indent the first line of each paragraph (using the tab key or paragraph tool).
Exceptions: abstract, block quotations, titles and headings, table titles and notes
Justification of text
All text needs to be aligned to the left, not justified
The answers to the case study questions should normally be organised in paragraphs
of approximately 150 words with each paragraph focused on explanation of one
idea. There should be a logical progression of ideas as demonstrated by logically
linked arguments/discussion made in each paragraph. Each paragraph should
commence with a topic sentence and end with a link to the next paragraph.
Academic writing style:
The conventions of written English are expected to be followed to ensure clarity of
discussion. This includes correct use of grammar, punctuation and spelling as well as
the use of appropriate sentence and paragraph structure. It is also expected that
word choice will be formal and professional language
will be used.
Paraphrasing and direct quotations:
Unless really necessary, most assignments do not require the use of direct quotes.
Instead, reexpression of author arguments (paraphrasing) into your own words is
required. Paraphrasing of author arguments/statements must be supported by a
reference. If a direct quotation is used, you must explain
how it adds to the discussion and provide a reference as per APA Style guide 6

The post Describe the nursing strategies a nurse may implement to prevent/manage the risks you have identified .

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