How it was acquired sex/blood transfusion

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How it was acquired sex/blood transfusion

Cultural Clinical Project PaperPaper details:iew full-length movies that depict a specific culture in the like the movie Philadelphia. Compare and contrast at least 3 media portrayals of this culture with the literature and your personal experiences. Focus on health issue of that population such as Native Americans and alcoholism. Prepare a paper 6 pages in length excluding title page abstract and reference list. Reference must not be over 5 years old. APA 6th edition
Possible outline
This movie featured Tom Hanks as Andrew Beckett a lawyer who hid his homosexuality and HIV status. His illness is exposed resulting in termination and a very public lawsuit. There were several media cultures highlighted in the movie that will be compared and contrasted with how America basically viewed this disease at its onset versus how its viewed in the present day.A. HIV/AIDS & Fear
B. How it was acquired sex/blood transfusion
C. Prejudice. American vs homosexuality

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