Explain the need or rational for the health promotion topic selected including two appropriate sources-one for data, and the other a scholarly journal article, preferable a nursing journal article.

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Explain the need or rational for the health promotion topic selected including two appropriate sources-one for data, and the other a scholarly journal article, preferable a nursing journal article.

Service Learning Paper Guidelines:
1. APA 6th Ed. Format
2. Writing presented in structured and professional manner. Double-spaced text with 12 point font, Times New Roman typeface with one-inch margins; refer to Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) website.
3. Research data: reputable/reliable sources (articles from professional, peer-reviewed (scholarly) journals published within the last five years (e.g. CINAUL, ProQuest, PubMed databases, etc). Websites from government and professional organizations that include the date the information was published. For example, Healthy People 2020, National Center for Health Statistics, county and state health departments, professional journals, government agencies and national associations such as the U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Disease Control, WHO, and American Heart Association, etc.
4. Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, syntax, third person (refer to as ?student nurse? rather than ?I?)
5. Title Page, running head on all pages, Introduction, body, and conclusion (not necessary to type ?the words Introduction or Conclusion?).
6. Content includes:
? Description of Agency and Community
o Summarize the agency?s purpose, mission (or goals), the clients served and services provided to the community using appropriate sources.
o Explain the need or rational for the health promotion topic selected including two appropriate sources-one for data, and the other a scholarly journal article, preferable a nursing journal article.
? Health Promotion Activity: discuss in detail the health promotion activity.
o List specific goals/objectives
? To educate and motivate each other to realize the impact of intentional kindness
? to empower individuals to act according to that awareness, thereby strengthening ourselves, our relationships and our communities.
o Identify the level of prevention (PRIMARY) with rationale.
o Describe the planning and implementation process. Include the rational for the teaching strategies and method of presentation selected for the activity.
? Attended orientation at HCC wellness center
? Planning Phase:
? Met with HCC Wellness Coordinator and classmate to discuss Health Promotion Activity and confirmed dates for research and selected presentation of topic on a Health and Wellness display board
? Brainstormed health promotion topic with classmate,
? Topic chosen; Civility
? Submitted topic for approval
? Topic approved
? Determined health promotion goals/objectives/benefits and teaching opportunity of civility with classmate after class
? Established a theme (superhero vs. villain) and working title for project, ?Be an Every Day Hero Choose Civility vs. Incivility.?
? Agreed to generate ideas via text messaging and email
? Determined pertinent information to put on board
? Implementation Phase:
? Individually researched, collected and compiled supporting data (scholarly journal articles and statistical analysis)
? Met with classmate on campus on two separate dates to assemble/arrange information on board
? Board completed
? Presented board to student population
? Civility trifold board displayed on table, candy provided as give away with sign attached ?this candy cost one random act of kindness,? dry-erase easel board on side of display indicating ?Post your random act of kindness commitment on the board,? students wrote down what type of random act of kindness they would commit to and honor that day, pens and post-it notes were placed near the board.
? We discussed the importance of civility to the individual, on campus, and to the community at large.
o Describe the content included in the activity.
o Summarize the outcome of the activity. Include the method used (or would use) to evaluate the effectiveness of the health promotion activity.
7. Conclusion:
? Discuss the role of the nurse in meeting community health needs.
? Identify additional activities to promote health and/or prevent disease for clients served by your agency.
? Summarize how you will apply the knowledge gained from the health promotion activity/service learning experience to your future nursing practice.
8. List references on separate page using APA format.

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