Explain how your research question is importantto patient care,nursing practice, professional knowledge or research

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Explain how your research question is importantto patient care,nursing practice, professional knowledge or research

reflect on clinical nursing practice to identify a re search question that you wish to explore further and to dev elop a review protocol//strategy in relation to the research question. This assignment/review protocol is linked with your next course NURS 3045 Nursing Proje ct. Objectives being assessed Explain the relationship between knowledge,research and practice Explain the process of identifying a re search question Apply the research processto develop a research protocol/strategy Apply a critical approach to reviewing the literature Task Dev elop a research question from ONE ofthe health themes provided below Apply the PICO or PIO format to the research question Dev elop inclusion and exclusion criteria Dev elop a search strategy to direct a search of relev ant electronic health databasesto locate specific research articles related to your research question. Implement the search strategy in the two selected electronic databases. Identify and record 5 research articles relevant to your research question. Health Themes Mothers and babies Children and families Acute care settings Older people Mental health Rural and remote health Indigenous health Assignment Format You should present your assignment using the following headings and ensure that you address each point described under each he ading. Background (1000 words) Based upon the health theme you hav e chosen, state your research question including the Population, lnterv ention, Comparison and Outcomes (PICO) OR Population, Issue and Outcomes (PIO). Explain how your research question is importantto patient care,nursing practice, professional knowledge or research. Methods Dev elop and describe theInclusion and exclusion criteria relev ant to your selected question. Justify why the inclusion and exclusion criteria you have identified are appropriate (in terms of study design, particip ants/population, intervention or issue, outcomes). Se arch strategy.(Total Identify and record 2 electronic databases and explain why these databases are relevant to your research topic/quesition. From your research question, identify and record key wordsthat you will use in your search of these 2 electronic databases. Develop and record a simple search strategy relevantto your research question using the keywords in addition to truncation, abbreviations, wildcards and Boolean operators. Implement the search strategy in the two selected databases and identify and list 5 relevant research articles (using UniSA Harvard referencing) that will enable you to answer your research question. Please note that the you will be using the 5 articlesthat you have identified and listed in Nursing Project,which follows this course PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT

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