Nursing quantitative research

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Nursing quantitative research

Nursing quantitative research

Nursing quantitative research; For this assignment, you will: 1.Choose a topic or issue that informs nursing practice and has been researched quantitatively. (Note: Meta-analysis and systematic review of literature studies may not be used for this assignment).

2.Select one nursing quantitative research article, published in a peer-reviewed journal, on your chosen topic and follow the steps below. Summarize the research study to include the following: Problem or purpose for the study. Study design. Setting. Data collection. Data analysis. Critique the study in a narrative format addressing each of the following questions: Is the problem significant to nursing and health care? How will it generate or refine knowledge in nursing practice? Was the review of background literature provided? What topics or concepts were discussed in the review of literature? Were ethical standards for research followed and how?

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