What type of Organizational structure does your place of employment?

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What type of Organizational structure does your place of employment?

What type of Organizational structure does your place of employment?

What type of Organizational structure does your place of employment?

How does this type of structure support the agencies mission and goals?

What title is given to highest nurse administrator in the facility and where is her/his position regarding the CEO?

Does the type of structure offer avenues of direct communication between the highest RN position and staff?

Required Text:
Marquis, B.L., & Huston, C.J. (2009). Leadership roles & management functions in nursing: Theory & application (7th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Side Note:I work at LIJ a large NY hospital, part of Northwell health system. this is for your reference in case you need any info. Hospital name not to be mentioned. The highest level of nursing is the chief nursing officer.
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