Analyze specific legal, ethical, and bio ethical issues faced by healthcare administrators, providers

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Analyze specific legal, ethical, and bio ethical issues faced by healthcare administrators, providers

Analyze specific legal, ethical, and bio ethical issues faced by healthcare administrators, providers

Analyze specific legal, ethical, and bio ethical issues faced by healthcare administrators, providers, and researchers, including protection of life, the right to self-determination, and end-of-life issues.
Ethical and Legal considerations, medical malpractice.

I need an outline first and then the final paper as detailed below:

One of the most important objectives of this course is for you to be able to relate the theories in the readings and discussions to situations in real life. We will develop these critical thinking skills each week via the discussion boards and short writing assignments, which will culminate in the final project, a medical malpractice case study.

The purpose of a case study in general is to apply what you learned to a real-life or hypothetical situation where you analyze, test, and propose solutions to the case. You may have a problem to solve and be asked to present potential solutions. Or you may have a situation to analyze and describe why (or why not) certain events were effective or successful. In processing a case study, you will have to apply research, reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical skills to identify underlying problems, causes, and/or related factors and make decisions.

For the medical malpractice case study, you will prepare a paper discussing a medical malpractice case using the DIRAC (issue, rule, analysis, conclusion) formula. You will discuss any relevant ethical theories involved and analyze the outcome, applying legal concepts from the course.

You should be thinking about your case and start your research by Module Three. By Module Five, you should finalize your choice of a reported case for your project. In the Module Five journal activity, you will be asked to briefly discuss your chosen case and provide an outline for your project. The final project is due at the end of Module Seven.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

Analyze why knowledge of the legal system is important for healthcare professionals, including the distinctions between the law, ethics, and bioethics.

Compare and contrast ethical theories and discuss decision-making models applicable to healthcare providers.

Examine the legal environment in healthcare, including the physician-patient relationship, medical records and patient confidentiality, and professional liability and medical malpractice.

Explore the laws impacting the delivery of healthcare, including PHILIPA, the False Claims Act, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and laws impacting the workplace.

Analyze the role of professional regulation, the standard of care, and codes of ethics in healthcare providers’ accountability to self, their profession, their patients, and the public.

Analyze specific legal, ethical, and bio ethical issues faced by healthcare administrators, providers, and researchers, including protection of life, the right to self-determination, and end-of-life issues.


The first step of the project is to locate a medical malpractice case that interests you. The case can involve malpractice or negligence claims against any type of healthcare provider—for example, a doctor, nurse, dentist, or chiropractor or an institutional provider such as a hospital, nursing home, or rehab facility. The case you choose must be from a published decision of the court (rather than a case reported in a secondary source, such as a newspaper or internet article).

Published decisions are primary sources of law that create precedent for other courts to follow in similar cases. For more information about judicial decisions, and for help on where to find them, visit the Library of Congress Law Library.

Review these malpractice decisions to get familiar with the structure and format of a typical court decision:

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